
Numbers & Planets

Numerology is 5000-year-old science in India. Numerology is ancient study of numbers. The word numerology was taken from Greek word logia which means thoughts and expression. Each letter of alphabets has some numeric value and combination of name and date of birth gives a unique number, which shows some characteristics of individual and plays an important role in once life. Numerology speaks a universal language, that of numbers. Every human being is born with a set of numbers that plays a vital role in their lives. These numbers are the key to the various events in our lives and a little tweaking, based on science and precise calculations, will open the doors to a better tomorrow.

Amongst the Nine planets ruling our Zodiac, each of these have their own beauty and charm. Each of these planets has been assigned numbers in Numerology as follows:

1= Sun {1, 10, 19 and 28 born} Sun also is the ruler planet of all Leo’s.

2= Moon {2, 11, 20, 29 born} Moon also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Cancer.

3= Jupiter {3, 12, 21 and 30 born} Jupiter also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Pisces and Sagittarius.

4= Uranus {4, 13, 22 and 31 born} Uranus also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Leo

5= Mercury {5, 14 and 23 born} Mercury also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Gemini and Virgo.

6= Venus {6, 15 and 24 born} Venus also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Taurus and Libra.

7= Neptune {7, 16 and 25 born} Neptune also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Cancer.

8= Saturn [8, 17 and 26 born} Saturn also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Capricorn, Aquarius and Libra.

9= Mars {9, 18 and 27 born} Mars also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Aries and Scorpio.

Of the above Numbers, on the materialistic plane, certain numbers or planets are considered to be more auspicious and Favorable.

From the above, it is clear that 1, 3, 5 and 6 are indeed quite fortunate; perhaps these numbers could be used when choosing to name a newborn baby, company or a brand name. With cosmetic alterations in existing names too, one can shift the vibrations and bring the names on powerful numbers.

The Name & Numerology

Every name has a number, a meaning, and a frequency. The sound effect of name produces certain patterns, expectations and meaning.

First name of person determines his / her personality, desire and thought process and

Surname indicates personal characteristics and inheritance influence of the family.

The combination of first and surname that means full name makes the destiny and is the most important one to consider for name meaning. Your numerology name number determines whether your life is peaceful, successful, or not. It indicates that the type of people you attract, and the quality of person associate with you. It also indicates the nature of the experience you face, the kind of life you spend, and opportunity and threats come in your life.

Numerology numbers from your birth date and name could be different. Birth number is given more importance than Name number and it is advisable in numerology that you choose a name that is in harmony with your birth number.

Name Changes as per Numerology

Since one does not have any control on birth number, it is advisable in numerology that you choose a name that is in harmony with your birth number.

You might have observed that many names are spelled differently by adding extra characters to make the name number numerologically suitable. This quite common for movie names these days.

Birth Date influence on your life

The birth date number is the sum of your birth date numbers and explains the nature of your existence. The birth date number is also called ruling number. It is the best place to start for a better understanding of yourself through numerology. The birth date number meaning indicates Harmony and associate number of people. It also indicates your lucky dates, months, days, colors, and harmonized numbers.
Numerology and astrology deals with the nine major planets Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Saturn and Mars and their characteristic features. Each one of these nine planets is assigned numbers ranging from 1 to 9, depending on which planet vibrates to which number.

1= Sun : is the creative force which gives light and life to the entire universe. Humans, plants and animals cannot survive without its radiant rays. It represents Leadership.

2= Moon : is pure emotions, affections calm and love. Moon represents liquid cash and career in the field of water, food, navy, milk related products.

3= Jupiter : is the biggest planet, known to be the planet of wealth and prosperity.

4= Uranus : (Rahu) is Maya or illusion, full of energy , revolution , discoveries, inventions, explorations , Foreign travel, communication skills, debate, argument abilities . Number 4 natives are very energetic, and they are always ready to do one thing or the other. Some number 4 natives are always charged with energy due to which they always keep themselves engaged in one kind of job or the other as these natives do not like the idea of sitting idle even for shorter durations of time.

5= Mercury : is the fastest planet, known to be the planet of speed, communication, versatility and knowledge.

6= Venus : is the planet of luxury, beauty, peace, love and harmony. In other words, if those born with such numbers put a sincere effort, they do get in most cases what they deserve, while many of them would even get more than what they deserve.

7= Neptune: {Ketu} is known as a planet associated with the concepts like occultism, mystery, physical energy, enthusiasm, aggression, bravery, anger, and warfare. Number 7 natives are good at taking up challenges or difficult task and then accomplishing such tasks. Number 7 is one of the most extreme and unpredictable numbers in numerology and many natives under the strong influence of this number may live their lives on one type of extreme or the other.

8= Saturn: is the planet of age, misery, and technicality, Employees, Helpers, Servant, Assistants, Hard work. In other words, one born with number 8 is the achiever has good business sense, a powerful presence, and a strong drive for success. The 8 is also a symbol of balance In India, we believe that the number 8 is an unlucky number. However, the Chinese believe it to be a very lucky number.
Business Numerology

9= Mars : is the fiery planet, known to be the planet of energy, enthusiasm, logic, bravery, defense forces, over aggression, Muscles. Number 9 natives can become successful as sports Individulas, people dealing in various kinds of defense services and people dealing in other kinds of professions which require intense physical energy, aggression, and other such qualities.

Top 10 Richest Men

S. No Name DOB Number
1 Indira Gandhi 19-Nov 1
2 Elon musk 28-Jun 1
3 Mukesh Ambani 19-Apr 1
4 Amitabh Bachchan 11-Nov 2
5 Rajesh Khanna 29-Dec 2
6 Shah Rukh Khan 2-Nov 2
7 Warren Buffet 30-Aug 3
8 Sunder Pichai 12-Jul 3
9 Sam Manekshaw 3-Apr 3
10 Queen Victoria 24-May 6
11 Lakshmi Mittal 15-Jun 6
12 Azim Premji 24-Jul 6
13 Narendra Modi 17-Nov 8
14 Jai Mehta 18-Jan 9

Numerology for Business

Numerology is the study of numbers, their combination and their interaction in one’s life. Business Numerology deals with choosing the best name for the business. It is said that the World is based on the power of numbers and business is also all about numbers. Business number determines whether you are going up or down in your business. Your business name carries a powerful energy that can create great success. The letters and words that make the name of your business determine the destiny of your business.
By applying the mathematical principle and good number, your business can attract leads, successful conditions, excellent results can touch heights.

Top 20 most powerful brands in Numerology add up to the Numbers 1, 3, 5 and 6:
Rank Company name Location Sector Market Capitalization Number
1 APPLE INC  United States Technology $2.1T 7
2 SAUDI ARAMCO  Saudi Arabia Energy $1.9T 6
3 MICROSOFT CORP  United States Technology $1.8T 3
4 AMAZON.COM INC  United States Consumer Discretionary $1.6T 3
5 ALPHABET INC  United States Technology $1.4T 2
6 FACEBOOK INC  United States Technology $839B 8
7 TENCENT  China Technology $753B 4
8 TESLA INC  United States Consumer Discretionary $641B 7
9 ALIBABA GRP  China Consumer Discretionary $615B 1
10 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY  United States Financials $588B 6
11 TSMC  Taiwan Technology $534B 5
12 VISA INC  United States Industrials $468B 2
13 JPMORGAN CHASE  United States Financials $465B 3
14 JOHNSON & JOHNSON  United States Health Care $433B 3
15 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS  South Korea Technology $431B 3
16 KWEICHOW MOUTA  China Consumer Staples $385B 3
17 WALMART INC  United States Consumer Discretionary $383B 3
18 MASTERCARD INC  United States Industrials $354B 2
19 UNITEDHEALTH GRP  United States Health Care $352B 3
20 LVMH MOET HENNESSY  France Consumer Discretionary $337B 7
Harmony for people born on 1, 10, 19 or 28 of any month with other numbers

Number 1 Harmony with Number 1

Number 1 is for Sun and Number 1 Individuals are leaders, aggressive, dominating & independent. They are self-centered. They both have high ego and always try to be smarter than others. This combination is beneficial for business and professional purpose and not for the marriage purpose. As both the individuals are egoistic and aspiring thus it is difficult to maintain peace & harmony.

Number 1 Harmony with Number 2

Number 1 is for Sun and Number 2 is for Moon. Number 1 is aggressive and dominating, and independent while number 2 is calm by nature, emotional and dependent on others. This blend is beneficial for any kind of relationship or partnership where number 1 person play a role of leader and number 2 person as help. In marriage, if number 1 person is the main earner of the family and number 2 is taking care of the family responsibilities, this combination could be a brilliant fitting match.

Number 1 Harmony with Number 3

Number 1 is for Sun and Number 3 is for Jupiter. The blend of these two numbers makes a very successful relationship as the number 1 is leader, ambitious and career focused on while number 3 is multi-talented, intelligent, and sophisticated. Their qualities can support each other in their progress. Both numbers have the qualities of a self-centered and egoistic individuals, so balance need to maintain for cordial relationship.

Number 1 Harmony with Number 4

Number 1 is for Sun and Number 4 is for Uranus. Number 1 person is leaders, aggressive, dominating, active & independent where number 4 is realistic and down to earth person. These two numbers have opposite but balancing characteristics. Their behaviors and interests are totally different to each other.

Number 1 Harmony with Number 5

Number 1 is for Sun and number 5 is for mercury. In this bond number 1 is determined, dedicated and reliable whereas number 5 like independence and change. The traits of both the numbers are contradictory to each other so it is difficult to understand each other. If both the Individuals are friend and understand each other, it can be a good, successful partnership as both these numbers are good for business & for financial matters.

Number 1 Harmony with Number 6

Number 1 is for Sun and 6 is for Venus. If number 1 and number 6 is joined together this is an exceptional combination for making happy and long-lasting bond. Number 1 person is independent, active, leader & career oriented whereas number 6 person is attentive, loving, accountable and like luxury things.

Number 1 Harmony with Number 7

Number 1 is for Sun and 7 is for Neptune. This blend can be a long-lasting relationship, as there is harmony in these two numbers. Number 1 is independent, active, leader, career oriented and number 7 is intelligent, sensitive, and inventive. Both numbers like to travel, focused to each other and toward their goals.

Number 1 Harmony with Number 8

Number 1 is for Sun and 8 is for Saturn. This combination is perfect example of extreme behavior whether it is right or wrong. This is because they both have similar stubborn and egoistic qualities. This combination is a perfect relationship of love and hate. Because of stubborn and egoistic nature of both the numbers often dispute arises.

Number 1 Harmony with Number 9

Number 1 is for Sun and 9 is for Mars, both numbers known for its fiery behavior and aggression. Both have plenty of understanding in their relationship as the number 1 person is career oriented and dominating whereas number 9 person is known for his sacrificing and inspiring nature.

Harmony for people born on 2, 11, 20 or 29 of any month with other numbers

Number 2 Harmony with Number 1

Number 2 is for Moon and Number 1 is for Sun. Number 2 individuals are calm, emotional, understanding, and dependent on other whereas Number 1 person is leaders, aggressive, dominating, active & independent. This blend is beneficial for any relationship where number 1 play a role of leader and number 2 in supporting role. In marriage, if number 1 person is the main earner of the family and number 2 is taking care of the family responsibilities, this combination could be a brilliant match.

Number 2 Harmony with Number 2

Number 2 is for Moon and Number 2 Individuals are calm, emotional, understanding, honest, dependent on other and love their family very much. The traits of both the partners are same. Their likes and dislikes, positive and negative qualities are same. Both are introverted, sensitive and sometime shows over dependence on others. They cannot survive on their own due to their overdependence on others or on each other thus it is essential that one should be strong and take the decisions and responsibilities.

Number 2 Harmony with Number 3

Number 2 is for Moon and number 3 is for Jupiter. Number 2 person is calm, hardworking, emotional, understanding, honest, dependent on others, having lack of confidence and frequently confused while number 3 people is socially active, intelligent, sophisticated, outspoken, and multitalented. The harmony among these relationships difficult due to their opposite natures.

Number 2 Harmony with Number 4

Number 2 is for Moon and number 4 is for Uranus. Number 2 is calm, hardworking, emotional, understanding, honest while number 4 is reserved, practical, and intelligent and an excellent planner. Number 4 is strong and smart enough thus their life is very easy. The number 2 is emotional and loving in nature and number 4 is practical thus the combination of these two numbers is excellent and they live their life peacefully and happily.

Number 2 Harmony with Number 5

Number 2 is for Moon and number 5 is for mercury. Number 2 is calm, hardworking, emotional, understanding, honest while 5 likes independence & change. Number 2 is a home loving, faithful whereas umber 5 loves freedom, change and exploration. Number 5 is sensual while number 2 is romantic and spiritual. Both the numbers are differing, so it is difficult to understand each other, for such relationships adjustments and understanding is required.

Number 2 Harmony with Number 6

Number 2 is for Moon and number 6 is for Venus. This is one of the ideal matches as both are romantic, emotional, spiritual, artistic, home and peace loving. The number 6 is a caring, loving, responsible well balanced while number 2 is facilitator and always supportive of his partner.

Number 2 Harmony with Number 7

Number 2 is for Moon and number 7 is for Neptune. Though these are opposite planets but the characteristic of both the numbers are almost same thus this combination is very fruitful as they understand each other. There will be good harmony between 2 and 7 as both are spiritual, inventive, intuitive, and sensitive.

Number 2 Harmony with Number 8

Number 2 is for moon and number 8 is for Saturn. Number 2 is calm, hardworking, emotional, understanding, honest and dependent on others while number 8 represents power, strength, hard work, organization, and execution. Individuals with number 2 and 8 can live together because number 2 is too calm and emotional while number 8 is practical. Number 8 can understand the emotions of number 2 with less communication.

Number 2 Harmony with Number 9

Number 2 is for Moon and number 9 is for Mars. Mars is considered as the friend of Moon in astrology, so this relationship is good for love and marriage. Number 2 known for calm, love, and emotions whereas number 9 known for forgiveness, patience, sacrifice aggression, and kindness. When these two numbers are combined together, they are two separate individuals but one soul.

Harmony for people born on 3, 12, 21 or 30 of any month with other numbers

Number 3 Harmony with Number 1

Number 3 is Jupiter and number 1 Sun. The blend of these two numbers makes a very successful relationship as the number 3 is socially active, intelligent, sophisticated, outspoken, and multitalented while number 1 person a leader, motivated and career focused. Their qualities can support each other in their progress. Both numbers have the qualities of a self-centered and egoistic individuals, so balance need to me maintain for cordial relationship.

Number 3 Harmony with Number 2

Number 3 is for Jupiter and number 2 is for Moon. Number 3 peoples are socially active, intelligent, sophisticated, outspoken, and multitalented while Number 2 person is calm, hardworking, emotional, understanding, honest, dependent on other, having lack of confidence and frequently confused. The harmony among these relationships difficult due to their opposite natures so it is necessary to make balance and adjustments.

Number 3 Harmony with Number 3

The ruling planet for number 3 is Jupiter. In this relationship both are strong, egoistic, stubborn, multi-talented, adaptable, and restless. If these two numbers are combined together, it is essential to understand each other and give liberty to each other. Both would like to live life in their own way, so it is better to set boundaries for happy relationship.

Number 3 Harmony with Number 4

Number 3 is for Jupiter and number 4 is for Uranus. Number 3 peoples are socially active, intelligent, sophisticated, outspoken, and multitalented while number 4 is reserved, practical, and intelligent, excellent planner and home loving. The characteristics of both the numbers are different so in order to maintain harmony among these two numbers proper understanding required.

Number 3 Harmony with Number 5

Number 3 is for Jupiter and number 5 is for Mercury. This is one of the best combinations and never faces any dull moment in life. Number 3 and 5 are almost identical. Both are energetic, adventurous, talented, attractive, confident. Here the number 3 is talented and work hard to make money and number 5 is dedicated and spend sensibly.

Number 3 Harmony with Number 6

Number 3 is Jupiter and for number 6 is Venus. This is a good combination as number 3 person enjoys life with number 6. Number 6 grows in all aspects with association of number 3. These two numbers spend their life happily with each other. Both have similar likes and dislikes. Number 3 represents multi-talent and number 6 represents common sense which makes good combination.

Number 3 Harmony with Number 7

Number 3 is for Jupiter and number 7 is for Neptune. These two numbers are genuinely attracted to each other. Number 3 is socially active, intelligent, sophisticated, outspoken, and multitalented while number 7 is intelligent, sensitive & inventive. This combination makes a very successful partnership based on mutual respect & understanding.

Number 3 Harmony with Number 8

Number 3 is for Jupiter and number 8 is for Saturn. Number 3 people are socially active, intelligent, sophisticated, outspoken, and multitalented whereas number 8 people are highly ambitious, materialistic, strong, dynamic, and power seeker. Both the numbers are very strong and have high ego therefore it is essential to maintain peace & harmony for healthy relation.

Number 3 Harmony with Number 9

Number 3 is for Jupiter and number 9 is for Mars. This is a perfect relationship as number 3 is the multitalented and number 9 is practical. Both are artistic, imaginative, creative, easy going, optimistic and positive. Their characteristics and interests are almost similar.

Harmony for people born on 4, 13, 22 or 31 of any month with other numbers

Number 4 Harmony with Number 1

Number 4 is for Uranus and number 1 is for Sun. In this relationship, number 4 is realistic and down to earth person whereas the number 1 person is leaders, aggressive, dominating, active & independent. These two numbers have opposite but balancing characteristics. Their behaviors and interests are totally different to each other.

Number 4 Harmony with Number 2

Number 4 is for Uranus and number 2 is for the Moon. This combination is good for each other, and they live their life peacefully. Number 4 is reserved, practical, and intelligent and an excellent planner while number 2 is calm, hardworking, emotional, understanding, honest and home loving. Number 4 is practical, and number 2 is emotional and loving in nature thus the combination of these two numbers is excellent and they live their life peacefully and happily.

Number 4 Harmony with Number 3

Number 4 is for Uranus and number 3 is for Jupiter. Number 4 is reserved, practical, and intelligent, excellent planner and home loving while number 3 is socially active, intelligent, sophisticated, outspoken, and multitalented. The characteristics of both the numbers are different so in order to maintain harmony among these two numbers proper understanding required

Number 4 Harmony with Number 4

Uranus is the ruling planet for number 4. This blend is made for each other. Both have the same interests, mindset, and taste. Both are hardworking, home loving, dependable and honest. Their primary objective is to ensure their future and make happy home life. This bond gives them a feeling of liberty and space for each other.

Number 4 Harmony with Number 5

Number 4 is for Uranus and Number 5 is for Mercury. One is slow moving and other is fast moving planet so both have different mind sets. Number 4 person reserved, practical, and intelligent, excellent planner and home loving while number 5 loves freedom, change, adventure, and sensuality. Understanding each other and respect each other’s point of view is the key to success for such relationships.

Number 4 Harmony with Number 6

Number 4 is for Uranus and number 6 is for Venus. Both have almost similar in nature and taste which makes this harmonies combination. Number 4 people are reserved, practical, and intelligent, excellent planner and home loving while 6 is a caring, loving, responsible well balanced.

Number 4 Harmony with Number 7

Number 4 is for Uranus and number 7 is for Neptune. Number 4 is north node of the moon and number 7 is south nodes of the moon. Number 4 is head and number 7 are the whole body without head. This shows a rare balance and coordination between these two numbers where head give direction to body to function.

Number 4 Harmony with Number 8

Number 4 is for Uranus and number 8 is for Saturn. This is good for marriage as both are hardworking, intelligent, career minded, ambitious and careful. They have the same nature. Number 4 is practical, and intelligent, excellent planner and home loving while number 8 represents power, strength, hard work, organization, and execution. They can accomplish their goals easily in their life

Number 4 Harmony with Number 9

Number 4 represents Uranus and number 9 is for Mars. Number 4 is practical, intelligent, excellent planner and home loving while Number 9 known for practicality, forgiveness, patience, sacrifice aggression, and kindness. Both are optimistic, gentle, understanding, and ambitious. They can enjoy their life happily after spending some time with each other.

Harmony for people born on 5, 14, or 23 of any month with other numbers

Number 5 Harmony with Number 1

Number 5 is for Mercury and Number 1 is for Sun. In this relationship number 5 like independence and change whereas number 1 is determined, dedicated and reliable. The traits of both the numbers are contradictory to each other so it is difficult to understand each other. If both the Individuals are friend and understand each other, it can be a good, successful partnership as both these numbers are good for business & for financial matters.

Number 5 Harmony with Number 2

Number 5 is for Mercury and number 2 is for Moon. Number 5 like independence, sensuality & change while Number 2 is calm, hardworking, emotional, understanding, honest & home loving. Number 5 is sensual while number 2 is romantic and spiritual. Both the numbers are differing, so it is difficult to understand each other, for such relationships adjustments and understanding is required.

Number 5 Harmony with Number 3

Number 5 is for Mercury and number 3 is for Jupiter. This is one of the best combinations and never faces any dull moment in life. Number 5 and 3 are almost identical. Both are energetic, adventurous, talented, attractive, confident. Here the number 5 is dedicated and spend sensibly, and number 3 is talented and work hard to make money.

Number 5 Harmony with Number 4

Number 5 is for Mercury, and Number 4 is for Uranus One is slow moving and other is fast moving planet so both have different mind sets. number 5 loves freedom, change and exploration and sensual while number 4 people are reserved, practical, intelligent, excellent planner and home loving. Understanding each other and respect each other’s point of view is the key to success for such relationships.

Number 5 Harmony with Number 5

Number 5 is ruled by Mercury. Both loves freedom, change, adventure, sensuality, and love to travel. All these qualities are good for friendship and business. If these two numbers are come together for marriage, it is essential to understand each other and give liberty to each other. Both would like to live life in their own way in their own way, so it is better to set boundaries for happy relationships.

Number 5 Harmony with Number 6

Number 5 ruled by Mercury and number 6 represent Venus. Number 5 loves freedom, change, adventure, sensuality, and love to travel whereas number 6 is a caring, loving, responsible, well balanced and family always comes first for them. For happy relationship of such combinations a balance should be maintained in their qualities.

Number 5 Harmony with Number 7

Number 5 is for Mercury and number 7 is for Neptune. number 5 loves freedom, change, adventure, and sensuality while number 7 people are intelligent, sensitive, inventive, love to travel and ready for sacrifice. Both numbers are opposite to each other, but they love to travel. For happy & harmonious relationship of such combinations, it is essential to maintain balance in their qualities.

Number 5 Harmony with Number 8

Number 5 represents Mercury and number 8 represent Saturn. Number 5 loves freedom, change, adventure, sensuality, and love to travel while number 8 represents power, strength, hard work, organization, and execution skills. They are opposite to each other and have their own strong personalities. Number 8 can give direct the life of number 5 to achieve success in life.

Number 5 Harmony with Number 9

Number 5 is for Mercury and number 9 is for Mars. Number 5 loves freedom, change, adventure, sensuality, and love to travel while number 9 known for practicality, forgiveness, patience, sacrifice aggression, and kindness. Both the numbers are opposite. They can be good friends and business partners but for marriage proper understanding is must for happy life.

Harmony for people born on 6, 15, or 24 of any month with other numbers

Number 6 Harmony with Number 1

Number 6 is for Venus and number 1 is for Sun. If number 6 and number 1 is joined together this is an exceptional combination for making happy and long-lasting bond. Number 6 person is caring, loving, responsible, well balanced and love luxury things whereas Number 1 person is independent, active, leader & career oriented.

Number 6 Harmony with Number 2

Number 6 is for Venus and number 2 is for Moon. This is one of the ideal matches as both are romantic, emotional, spiritual, artistic, home and peace loving. The number 6 is a caring, loving, responsible well balanced while number 2 is facilitator and always supportive of his partner.

Number 6 Harmony with Number 3

The ruling planet for number 6 is Venus and for number 3 is Jupiter. This is a good combination as number 6 person enjoys life with number 3. Number 6 grows in all aspects with association of number 3. These two numbers spend their life happily with each other. Both have similar likes and dislikes. Number 6 represents common sense whereas number 3 represents multi-talent which makes them a good combination.

Number 6 Harmony with Number 4

Number 6 is for Venus and number 4 is for Uranus. Both have almost similar in nature and taste which makes this harmonies combination. Number 6 is a caring, loving, responsible well balanced while number 4 people are reserved, practical, and intelligent, excellent planner and home loving

Number 6 Harmony with Number 5

Number 6 ruled by Venus and number 5 represent Mercury. Number 6 is a caring, loving, responsible well balanced and family always comes first for them whereas number 5 loves freedom, change, adventure, sensuality, and love to travel. This relationship works well as both the partners have balanced characteristic to make a good happy life.

Number 6 Harmony with Number 6

Both are ruled by Venus and have complete harmony with each other. Two people with this number make a perfect couple as they both are caring, love luxuries, emotional and for them always family comes first. Both are completely balanced, have lots of common qualities.

Number 6 Harmony with Number 7

Number 6 represents Venus and number 7 is for Neptune. Number 6 are caring, love luxuries, emotional, home loving, whereas number 7 intelligent, sensitive, inventive, love to travel and ready for sacrifice. All these similar kinds of qualities of number 6 and 7 make a wonderful and long-lasting relationship.

Number 6 Harmony with Number 8

Number 6 is for Venus and number 8 is for Saturn. In astrology these two planets are considered friends but in numerology number 6 represents caring, loving, responsible well-balanced characteristics whereas number 8 represents power, strength, hard work, organization, and execution skills. To make the relationship positive, it is essential to maintain balance and harmony.

Number 6 Harmony with Number 9

Number 6 is for Venus and number 9 is for Mars. Number 6 represents caring, loving, responsible well-balanced whereas number 9 known for practicality, forgiveness, patience, sacrifice aggression, and kindness. Both are highly spiritual, talented, home loving Individuals and could enjoy happy & peaceful life.

Harmony for people born on 7, 16, or 25 of any month with other numbers

Number 7 Harmony with Number 1

Number 7 is for Neptune and number 1 is for Sun. This blend of these two numbers can be a long-lasting relationship, as there is good harmony in these numbers. Number 7 is intelligent, sensitive, and inventive and number 1 is independent, active, leader, career oriented. Both numbers love to travel and focused to each other and toward their goals.

Number 7 Harmony with Number 2

Number 7 is for Neptune and number 2 is for Moon. Though these are opposite planets but the characteristic of both the numbers are almost same so this combination is very fruitful as they understand each other. There will be good harmony between 7 and 2 as both are spiritual, inventive, intuitive, and sensitive.

Number 7 Numerology Harmony with Number 3

Number 7 is for Neptune and number 3 is for Jupiter. These two numbers are genuinely attracted to each other. Number 7 is intelligent, sensitive & inventive while number 3 is socially active, outspoken, bold, and multitalented. This combination makes a very successful partnership based on mutual respect & understanding.

Number 7 Harmony with Number 4

Number 7 is for Neptune and number 4 is for Uranus. N number 7 is south nodes of the moon and Number 4 is north node of the moon. Number 4 is head and number 7 are the whole body without head. This shows a rare balance and coordination between these two numbers where head gives direction to body to function.

Number 7 Harmony with Number 5

Number 7 is for Neptune and number 5 is for Mercury. Number 7 people are intelligent, sensitive, inventive, love to travel and ready for sacrifice while number 5 loves freedom, change, adventure, and sensuality. Both numbers are opposite to each other, but they love to travel. For happy & harmonious relationship of such combinations, it is essential to maintain balance in their qualities.

Number 7 Harmony with Number 6

Number 7 is for Neptune and number 6 is for Venus. Number 7 is masculine number and have all the qualities of a gentle person like intelligence, peace loving, understanding, imagination and spirituality whereas number 6 is artistic, home loving, compromising and compassionate. All these qualities of number 7 and 6 make a wonderful and long-lasting relationship

Number 7 Harmony with Number 7

This combination is like made for each other as both the numbers belong to same planet Neptune. 7 is as masculine number and have all the qualities of a gentle person like intelligence, peace loving, understanding, imagination and spirituality. This combination doesn’t like any rules. They make their own rules in their life.

Number 7 Harmony with Number 8

Number 7 is for Neptune and number 8 is for Saturn. This is a friendly combination as number 7 have all the qualities of a gentle person like intelligence, peace loving, understanding, imagination and spirituality while number 8 is ambitious, hardworking, materialistic, and always try to get success in everything. For number 8 fame, glory & goal fulfillment is the prime objective. Number 7 known for its intelligence, peace loving, understanding, imagination and spirituality so they always understand number 8 objectives and help them to achieve.

Number 7 Harmony with Number 9

Number 7 is for Neptune and number 9 is for Mars. This blend makes a perfect relationship. Number 7 known for its like intelligence, peace loving, understanding, imagination and spirituality while number 9 known for practicality, forgiveness, patience, sacrifice aggression, and kindness. This is perfect combination for joy, harmony, peace, and prosperity in the life.

Harmony for people born on 8, 17, or 26 of any month with other numbers

Number 8 Harmony with Number 1

Number 8 is for Saturn and number 1 is for Sun. This combination is perfect example of extreme behavior whether it is right or wrong. This is because they both have similar stubborn and egoistic qualities. This combination is a perfect relationship of love and hate. Because of stubborn and egoistic nature of both the numbers disputes arises.

Number 8 Harmony with Number 2

Number 8 is for Saturn and number 2 is for Moon. Number 8 represents power, strength, hard work, organization, and execution while Number 2 is calm, hardworking, emotional, understanding, honest and dependent on others. Individuals with number 8 and 2 can live together because number 2 is too calm and emotional and 8 is practical. Number 8 can understand the emotions of number 2 with less communication.

Number 8 Harmony with Number 3

Number 8 is for Saturn and number 3 is for Jupiter. Number 8 people are highly ambitious, materialistic, strong, dynamic, and power seeker while number 3 people are socially active, intelligent, outspoken, bold, and multitalented. Both the numbers are very strong and have high ego therefore it is essential to maintain peace & harmony for healthy relation.

Number 8 Harmony with Number 4

Number 8 is for Saturn and number 4 is for Uranus. This is good for marriage as both are hardworking, intelligent, career minded, ambitious and careful. They have the same nature. Number 8 represents power, strength, hard work, organization, and execution while number 4 is practical, and intelligent, excellent planner and home loving. They can accomplish their goals easily in their life

Number 8 Harmony with Number 5

Number 8 represents Saturn and number 5 represents Mercury. Number 8 represents power, strength, hard work, organization, and execution skills while number 5 loves freedom, change, adventure, sensuality, and love to travel. They are opposite to each other and have their own strong personalities. Number 8 can give direct the life of number 5 to achieve success in life.

Number 8 Harmony with Number 6

Number 8 is for Saturn and number 6 is for Venus. In astrology these two planets are considered friends but in numerology number 8 represents power, strength, hard work, organization, and execution skills whereas number 6 represents caring, loving, responsible well-balanced. To make the relationship positive, it is essential to maintain balance and harmony because number 6 bring in good luck to number 8.

Number 8 Harmony with Number 7

Number 8 is for Saturn and number 7 is for Neptune. This is a friendly combination as number 8 is ambitious, hardworking, materialistic, and always try to get success in everything whereas number 7 have all the qualities of a gentle person like intelligence, peace loving, understanding, imagination and spirituality while number. For number 8 fame, glory & goal fulfillment is the prime objective. Number 7 known for its intelligence, peace loving, understanding, imagination and spirituality so they always understand number 8 objectives and help them to achieve.

Number 8 Harmony with Number 8

Number 8 is for Saturn. Number 8 is ambitious, hardworking, materialistic, and always try to get success in everything. They like fame, glory in their life. both the numbers belong to same planet Saturn so sometimes they don’t enjoy the life as both have their own ambitions and goals.

Number 8 Harmony with Number 9

Number 8 is for Saturn and number 9 is for Mars. Number 8 is ambitious, hardworking, materialistic, and always try to get success in everything while number 9 known for practicality, forgiveness, patience, sacrifice aggression, and kindness. In this combination number 8 would try to control number 9 so proper understanding is must for healthy relation.

Harmony for people born on 9, 18, or 27 of any month with other numbers

Number 9 Harmony with Number 1

Number 9 is for Mars and number 1 is for Sun. both numbers known for its fiery behavior and aggression. Both have plenty of understanding in their relationship as the number 9 person is known for his sacrificing and inspiring nature whereas number 1 person is career oriented and dominating.

Number 9 Harmony with Number 2

Number 9 is for Mars and number 2 is for Moon. Mars is considered as the friend of Moon in astrology thus this relationship is good for love and marriage. Number 9 known for forgiveness, patience, sacrifice aggression, and kindness whereas number 2 known for calm, love, and emotions. When these two numbers are combined together, they are two separate individuals but one soul.

Number 9 Harmony with Number 3

Number 9 is for Mars and number 3 is for Jupiter. This is a perfect relationship as number 9 is practical and number 3 is the multitalented. Both are artistic, imaginative, creative, easy going, optimistic and positive. Their characteristics and interests are almost similar. This is a wonderful relationship due to similar emotions and desires.

Number 9 Harmony with Number 4

Number 9 represents Mars and number 4 is for Uranus. Number 9 known for practicality, forgiveness, patience, sacrifice aggression, and kindness while Number 4 is practical, and intelligent, excellent planner and home loving. Both are optimistic, gentle, understanding, and ambitious. They can enjoy their life happily after spending some time with each other.

Number 9 Harmony with Number 5

Number 9 is for Mars and number 5 is for Mercury. Number 9 known for practicality, forgiveness, patience, sacrifice aggression, and kindness while 5 loves freedom, change, adventure, sensuality, and love to travel. Both the numbers are opposite. They can be good friends and business partners but for marriage proper understanding is must for happy life.

Number 9 Harmony with Number 6

Number 9 is for Mars and number 6 is for Venus. Number 9 known for practicality, forgiveness, patience, sacrifice aggression, and kindness whereas number 6 represents caring, loving, responsible well-balanced. Both are highly spiritual, talented, home loving Individuals with these two numbers could enjoy happy & peaceful life.

Number 9 Harmony with Number 7

Number 9 is for Mars and number 7 is for Neptune. This blend makes a perfect relationship. Number 9 known for practicality, forgiveness, patience, sacrifice aggression, and kindness while number 7 known for its like intelligence, peace loving, understanding, imagination and spirituality. This is perfect combination for joy, harmony, peace, and prosperity in the life.

Number 9 Harmony with Number 8

Number 9 is for Mars and number 8 is for Saturn. 9 known for practicality, forgiveness, patience, sacrifice aggression, and kindness while number 8 is ambitious, hardworking, materialistic, and always try to get success in everything. In this combination number 8 would try to control number 9 so proper understanding is must for healthy relation

Number 9 Harmony with Number 9

This number represents the planet Mars. These two numbers make a successful and healthy relationship. Both are understanding, loving, intelligent and compassionate, family oriented. Their mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and intuitive levels are same. These two numbers turn out to be a passionate lover and true friend with each other

Numerology History

Numerology is ancient study of numbers. The word numerology was taken from Greek word logia which means thoughts and expression. Each letter of alphabets has some numeric value and combination of name and date of birth gives a unique number, which shows some characteristics of individual and plays an important role in once life.
Origin of numerology is thousand years back and its variation of it can be found in most cultures throughout history. It is generally accepted that ancient culture of China and Japan were familiar of numerology but most of the books gives the credit to Pythagoras and considered that he is the father of numerology. He was a Greek mathematician and philosopher.
Numerology deals with the science of numbers of interpretations. There are various schools of numerology: Chaldean number system, Pythagoras, and Hebrew kabbalah numerology. Each of these systems calculates numbers differently and gives different interpretation of life.

Chaldean System

The Chaldean system is considered as mystic numerology. It assigns the number value of 1 to 8 to the 26 letters of English alphabets. Number 9 is not assigned to any alphabet as it is considered holy number. In this system, the numbers assigned to the letters are not determined by alphabetical order but rather by the vibration of each specific letter.

Chaldean System Number Table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Pythagorean System

The Pythagorean or western numerology system is said to have originated from the Greek mathematician Pythagoras. In this system number 1 to 9 assign to each alphabets according to western order alphabets.

Pythagoras system generally applies to the variations of names and entities. The Pythagorean or western numerology system is said to have originated from the Greek mathematician Pythagoras.

In this system number 1 to 9 assign to each alphabets according to western order alphabets. Pythagoras system generally applies to the variations of names and entities.

Pythagorean System Number Table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In the Pythagorean system of numerology, there are five key numbers that apply. Those five numbers include:
The life path number: Sum of date, month, and year of birth
The expression number: Sum of numbers assigned to your full name as per the above table
The heart’s desire number: sum of vowels in your name
The personality number: sum of consonants in your name
The birthday number: Sum of date of birth

Kabbalah System

Kabbalah numerology originated from Hebrew, or more specifically, the Hebrew alphabet. Kabbalah literally translates as “knowledge of the mind and soul.” It is therefore an ancient and almost mystical system. The intentions of kabbalah numerology is to connect you to your own inner source and power, providing insight, meaning and knowledge for self- discovery. It translates into that which is received from sole, heart, and from divine

Kabbalah System Number Table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

