How to find out the Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna from D1 Chart

How to find out the Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna from D1 Chart

First, we must know about some values assigned to the planets, which are to be used in this calculation. Each one of the seven planets from Sun to Saturn has been assigned a number which is Sun – 30, Moon – 16, Mars – 6, Mercury- 8, Jupiter – 10, Venus – 12, Saturn – 1.

Now to get your Indu or Dhana Lagna follow the following rule:

  • Firstly, finds out the 9th house lord from your Ascendant and see how many root points are allotted to that planet.
  • Note down the 9th house lord from your Moon sign in your D1 or Lagna chart and how many points are allotted to that planet.
  • Add up these two planets’ allotted numbers
  • Divide by 12, and find out the remainder
  • Whatever the remainder, you need to count that many houses from your Moon’s position in the D1 chart and that will be your Indu Lagna.
  • If the remainder is 1 then your Indu Lagna is your moon sign or where your moon is posited in D1 chart.
  • If the remainder is 0 then 12th house from your moon sign or previous house of your moon’s position is your Indu lagna.

How to predict through Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna of Wealth and Prosperity

  • When a planet is posited in Indu lagna then Dasha period of that particular planet will be good for financial position.
  • A malefic planet in indu lagna will deliver the normal results
  • A malefic and a benefic planet together in Indu lagna or aspects Indu Lagna will provide a mixed result
  • Exalted malefic plant will deliver very good wealth at the end of its dasha.
  • No planet in Indu lagna then the planets which aspects the Lagna and strength of the Indu Lagna lord will determine the results.
  • Strong 2nd and 11th houses or planets in these houses from Indu Lagna will also increase the power of obtaining more wealth.
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